TMG is committed to protecting the environment through responsible recycling. We enjoy close working relationships with all relevant federal, state and municipal regulatory agencies. We are a green environmentally conscious organization. We believe in surpassing, rather than just meeting, all required minimum compliance thresholds.
We are actively engaged with the EPA, OSHA, the OK State DEQ, the OK State DOT, the OK State DOL, The city of OKC and all other pertinent entities as well as their various sub-agencies, to ensure that we stay on the leading edge of all environmental best practices.
TMG provides our clients wit the most comprehensive environmental assurances available in the industry and will pro-actively exercise, as a fuduciary responsibility, what we consider to be our duty to communicate, and promptly incorporate into our agreements for our client's protection, every new regulartory development ascertained through our intensive compliance monitoring program.
Indoor Processing for all Nonferrous Product and Turnings
To ensure zero contamination, all processing of non-ferrous proudct is performed indoors, in appropriate controlled environments within our facilities. The same is true for all turnings, including steel. TMG approaches all environmental issues positvely, and considers compliance to be a moral duty, in additon to being fiduciary and legal requirements. The long-sighted, conservative protection of our clients is paramount, as is the health, safety and environmental quality of our workplace for our employees.
Did you know?
Scrap recyling helps to reduce greenhouse gas emissions and conserves energy and natural resources.
Recycled scrap helps keep air and water cleaner by removing potentially hazardous materials and keeping them out of landfills.